This commit is contained in:
姚宇浩 2024-10-16 14:35:17 +08:00
commit 274e364ec2
57 changed files with 2598 additions and 85 deletions

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@ -1 +1 @@
import{_ as i}from"./error3-2af3a855.js";import{_ as s,e as _,f as t,q as e}from"./index-306f53b4.js";const d={},c={class:"error_main"},o=e('<img class="error_main_img" src="'+i+'" alt=""><div class="error_main_content">请求未验证,请联系管理员</div><div class="unit"><div> 应用归属单位 </div><div> 浙江省龙游县数据局 </div></div><div class="unit"><div> 应用管理员 </div><div> 王昊 </div></div><div class="unit"><div> 联系方式 </div><div> 18368625409 </div></div>',5),r=[o];function n(a,v){return _(),t("div",c,r)}const f=s(d,[["render",n]]);export{f as default};
import{_ as i}from"./error3-2af3a855.js";import{_ as s,e as _,f as t,q as e}from"./index-c3050129.js";const d={},c={class:"error_main"},o=e('<img class="error_main_img" src="'+i+'" alt=""><div class="error_main_content">请求未验证,请联系管理员</div><div class="unit"><div> 应用归属单位 </div><div> 浙江省龙游县数据局 </div></div><div class="unit"><div> 应用管理员 </div><div> 王昊 </div></div><div class="unit"><div> 联系方式 </div><div> 18368625409 </div></div>',5),r=[o];function n(a,v){return _(),t("div",c,r)}const f=s(d,[["render",n]]);export{f as default};

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@ -1 +1 @@
import{_ as i}from"./error3-2af3a855.js";import{_ as s,e as _,f as t,q as e}from"./index-306f53b4.js";const d={},c={class:"error_main"},o=e('<img class="error_main_img" src="'+i+'" alt=""><div class="error_main_content"> 抱歉,您暂无当前页面的访问权限,请联系管理员 </div><div class="unit"><div> 应用归属单位 </div><div> 浙江省龙游县数据局 </div></div><div class="unit"><div> 应用管理员 </div><div> 王昊 </div></div><div class="unit"><div> 联系方式 </div><div> 18368625409 </div></div>',5),r=[o];function n(a,v){return _(),t("div",c,r)}const f=s(d,[["render",n]]);export{f as default};
import{_ as i}from"./error3-2af3a855.js";import{_ as s,e as _,f as t,q as e}from"./index-c3050129.js";const d={},c={class:"error_main"},o=e('<img class="error_main_img" src="'+i+'" alt=""><div class="error_main_content"> 抱歉,您暂无当前页面的访问权限,请联系管理员 </div><div class="unit"><div> 应用归属单位 </div><div> 浙江省龙游县数据局 </div></div><div class="unit"><div> 应用管理员 </div><div> 王昊 </div></div><div class="unit"><div> 联系方式 </div><div> 18368625409 </div></div>',5),r=[o];function n(a,v){return _(),t("div",c,r)}const f=s(d,[["render",n]]);export{f as default};

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@ -1 +1 @@
import{_ as i,e,f as s,q as t}from"./index-306f53b4.js";const _=""+new URL("error1-70b8ad8e.png",import.meta.url).href;const d={},r={class:"error_main"},c=t('<img class="error_main_img" src="'+_+'" alt=""><div class="error_main_content">抱歉,系统错误,您可以选择尝试清除缓存或联系管理员</div><div class="unit"><div> 应用归属单位 </div><div> 浙江省龙游县数据局 </div></div><div class="unit"><div> 应用管理员 </div><div> 王昊 </div></div><div class="unit"><div> 联系方式 </div><div> 18368625409 </div></div>',5),n=[c];function o(a,v){return e(),s("div",r,n)}const m=i(d,[["render",o]]);export{m as default};
import{_ as i,e,f as s,q as t}from"./index-c3050129.js";const _=""+new URL("error1-70b8ad8e.png",import.meta.url).href;const d={},r={class:"error_main"},c=t('<img class="error_main_img" src="'+_+'" alt=""><div class="error_main_content">抱歉,系统错误,您可以选择尝试清除缓存或联系管理员</div><div class="unit"><div> 应用归属单位 </div><div> 浙江省龙游县数据局 </div></div><div class="unit"><div> 应用管理员 </div><div> 王昊 </div></div><div class="unit"><div> 联系方式 </div><div> 18368625409 </div></div>',5),n=[c];function o(a,v){return e(),s("div",r,n)}const m=i(d,[["render",o]]);export{m as default};

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@ -1 +1 @@
import{_ as i,e,f as s,q as t}from"./index-306f53b4.js";const _=""+new URL("error2-91a8e6e9.png",import.meta.url).href;const d={},r={class:"error_main"},c=t('<img class="error_main_img" src="'+_+'" alt=""><div class="error_main_content"> 抱歉,系统错误,您可以选择尝试清除缓存或联系管理员 </div><div class="unit"><div> 应用归属单位 </div><div> 浙江省龙游县数据局 </div></div><div class="unit"><div> 应用管理员 </div><div> 王昊 </div></div><div class="unit"><div> 联系方式 </div><div> 18368625409 </div></div>',5),n=[c];function o(a,v){return e(),s("div",r,n)}const m=i(d,[["render",o]]);export{m as default};
import{_ as i,e,f as s,q as t}from"./index-c3050129.js";const _=""+new URL("error2-91a8e6e9.png",import.meta.url).href;const d={},r={class:"error_main"},c=t('<img class="error_main_img" src="'+_+'" alt=""><div class="error_main_content"> 抱歉,系统错误,您可以选择尝试清除缓存或联系管理员 </div><div class="unit"><div> 应用归属单位 </div><div> 浙江省龙游县数据局 </div></div><div class="unit"><div> 应用管理员 </div><div> 王昊 </div></div><div class="unit"><div> 联系方式 </div><div> 18368625409 </div></div>',5),n=[c];function o(a,v){return e(),s("div",r,n)}const m=i(d,[["render",o]]);export{m as default};

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@ -1 +1 @@
import{P as o}from"./index-306f53b4.js";function n(){return n=Object.assign?Object.assign.bind():function(a){for(var e=1;e<arguments.length;e++){var t=arguments[e];for(var r in t)({}),r)&&(a[r]=t[r])}return a},n.apply(null,arguments)}const _=Object.freeze(Object.defineProperty({__proto__:null,get default(){return n}},Symbol.toStringTag,{value:"Module"})),s={},l=Object.freeze(Object.defineProperty({__proto__:null,default:s},Symbol.toStringTag,{value:"Module"})),c=o(l);export{n as _,_ as a,c as r};
import{P as o}from"./index-c3050129.js";function n(){return n=Object.assign?Object.assign.bind():function(a){for(var e=1;e<arguments.length;e++){var t=arguments[e];for(var r in t)({}),r)&&(a[r]=t[r])}return a},n.apply(null,arguments)}const _=Object.freeze(Object.defineProperty({__proto__:null,get default(){return n}},Symbol.toStringTag,{value:"Module"})),s={},l=Object.freeze(Object.defineProperty({__proto__:null,default:s},Symbol.toStringTag,{value:"Module"})),c=o(l);export{n as _,_ as a,c as r};

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

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@ -1 +1 @@
import{_ as q,a as z,b as I}from"./table_c-9de598ee.js";import{_ as M,u as j,a as N,r as v,d as R,y as w,b as A,z as i,e as n,f as d,A as p,D as u,g as l,x as F,E,l as D,v as _,F as k,h as U,G as X,p as G,m as K}from"./index-306f53b4.js";/* empty css */const h=t=>(G("data-v-68919937"),t=t(),K(),t),L={class:"dialogPage"},O={class:"my-header"},T={class:"tabelPart"},$={class:"bo"},H={class:"title"},J={class:"title_top"},Q=h(()=>l("img",{src:q,alt:"",style:{"margin-right":"10px"}},null,-1)),W={key:0,class:"name"},Y={key:1,class:"name"},Z=h(()=>l("img",{src:z,alt:"",style:{"margin-left":"10px"}},null,-1)),ee=h(()=>l("img",{class:"title_botton",src:I,alt:""},null,-1)),te={style:{width:"100%",height:"calc(100% - 110px)"}},ae={class:"pagePart"},le={__name:"dialog",props:{dialogShow:{type:Boolean,default:()=>!1},columns:{type:Array,default:()=>[]},tableData:{type:Array,default:()=>[]},title:{type:String,default:()=>""},pagination:{type:Object,required:!0},showXq:{type:Boolean,default:()=>!0},dj:{type:Boolean,default:()=>!1}},emits:["close","handle","loadTables","openMessage"],setup(t,{emit:g}){const a=t;j(),N();const x=(o,r,f)=>{,,"rwxq"),g("openMessage",{identNo:o.identNo}))},c=v(),s=R({title:"",columns:[],tableData:[],pagination:{}}),m=v(Math.random());w(()=>a.dialogShow,(o,r)=>{c.value=o,s.columns=a.columns}),w(()=>a.tableData,(o,r)=>{s.tableData=a.tableData,m.value=Math.random()}),A(()=>{c.value=a.dialogShow,s.columns=a.columns,s.title=a.title,s.tableData=a.tableData,document.querySelector(".el-pagination__total")});const S=()=>{c.value=!1,g("close")},C=o=>{g("handle",o)};return(o,r)=>{const f=i("el-icon"),y=i("el-table-column"),V=i("el-table"),B=i("el-pagination"),P=i("el-dialog");return n(),d("div",L,[p(P,{modelValue:c.value,"onUpdate:modelValue":r[1]||(r[1]=e=>c.value=e),width:"80vw","show-close":!1,center:"","close-on-click-modal":!1,"close-on-press-escape":!1},{header:u(({close:e,titleId:b,titleClass:oe})=>[l("div",O,[p(f,{size:"26",color:"#fff",onClick:S},{default:u(()=>[p(F(E))]),_:1})])]),default:u(()=>[l("div",T,[l("div",$,[l("div",H,[l("div",J,[Q,t.showXq?(n(),d("div",W,D(t.title)+"详情",1)):(n(),d("div",Y,D(t.title),1)),Z]),ee])]),l("div",te,[(n(),_(V,{data:s.tableData,height:"100%",key:m.value,"header-cell-style":{background:"#008FCD"},onRowClick:x},{default:u(()=>[(n(!0),d(k,null,U(s.columns,e=>(n(),d(k,null,[e.type==="slot"?(n(),_(y,{key:e.label,"show-overflow-tooltip":!0,label:e.label,,align:e.align||"center"},{default:u(b=>[X(o.$slots,,{currentCol:e,currentData:b.row},void 0,!0)]),_:2},1032,["label","property","align"])):(n(),_(y,{key:1,,label:e.label,"show-overflow-tooltip":!0,align:e.align||"center"},null,8,["property","label","align"]))],64))),256))]),_:3},8,["data"]))]),l("div",ae,[p(B,{background:"",layout:"prev, pager, next,total","page-size":t.pagination.pageSize,,"prev-text":"上一页","next-text":"下一页",onCurrentChange:C,"current-page":t.pagination.currentPage,"onUpdate:currentPage":r[0]||(r[0]=e=>t.pagination.currentPage=e)},null,8,["page-size","total","current-page"])])])]),_:3},8,["modelValue"])])}}},ce=M(le,[["__scopeId","data-v-68919937"]]);export{ce as D};
import{_ as q,a as z,b as I}from"./table_c-9de598ee.js";import{_ as M,u as j,a as N,r as v,d as R,B as w,b as A,s as i,e as n,f as d,v as p,x as u,g as l,A as F,E,l as k,z as _,F as D,h as U,G as X,p as G,m as K}from"./index-c3050129.js";/* empty css */const h=t=>(G("data-v-68919937"),t=t(),K(),t),L={class:"dialogPage"},O={class:"my-header"},T={class:"tabelPart"},$={class:"bo"},H={class:"title"},J={class:"title_top"},Q=h(()=>l("img",{src:q,alt:"",style:{"margin-right":"10px"}},null,-1)),W={key:0,class:"name"},Y={key:1,class:"name"},Z=h(()=>l("img",{src:z,alt:"",style:{"margin-left":"10px"}},null,-1)),ee=h(()=>l("img",{class:"title_botton",src:I,alt:""},null,-1)),te={style:{width:"100%",height:"calc(100% - 110px)"}},ae={class:"pagePart"},le={__name:"dialog",props:{dialogShow:{type:Boolean,default:()=>!1},columns:{type:Array,default:()=>[]},tableData:{type:Array,default:()=>[]},title:{type:String,default:()=>""},pagination:{type:Object,required:!0},showXq:{type:Boolean,default:()=>!0},dj:{type:Boolean,default:()=>!1}},emits:["close","handle","loadTables","openMessage"],setup(t,{emit:g}){const a=t;j(),N();const x=(o,r,f)=>{,,"rwxq"),g("openMessage",{identNo:o.identNo}))},c=v(),s=R({title:"",columns:[],tableData:[],pagination:{}}),m=v(Math.random());w(()=>a.dialogShow,(o,r)=>{c.value=o,s.columns=a.columns}),w(()=>a.tableData,(o,r)=>{s.tableData=a.tableData,m.value=Math.random()}),A(()=>{c.value=a.dialogShow,s.columns=a.columns,s.title=a.title,s.tableData=a.tableData,document.querySelector(".el-pagination__total")});const S=()=>{c.value=!1,g("close")},C=o=>{g("handle",o)};return(o,r)=>{const f=i("el-icon"),y=i("el-table-column"),B=i("el-table"),V=i("el-pagination"),P=i("el-dialog");return n(),d("div",L,[p(P,{modelValue:c.value,"onUpdate:modelValue":r[1]||(r[1]=e=>c.value=e),width:"80vw","show-close":!1,center:"","close-on-click-modal":!1,"close-on-press-escape":!1},{header:u(({close:e,titleId:b,titleClass:oe})=>[l("div",O,[p(f,{size:"26",color:"#fff",onClick:S},{default:u(()=>[p(F(E))]),_:1})])]),default:u(()=>[l("div",T,[l("div",$,[l("div",H,[l("div",J,[Q,t.showXq?(n(),d("div",W,k(t.title)+"详情",1)):(n(),d("div",Y,k(t.title),1)),Z]),ee])]),l("div",te,[(n(),_(B,{data:s.tableData,height:"100%",key:m.value,"header-cell-style":{background:"#008FCD"},onRowClick:x},{default:u(()=>[(n(!0),d(D,null,U(s.columns,e=>(n(),d(D,null,[e.type==="slot"?(n(),_(y,{key:e.label,"show-overflow-tooltip":!0,label:e.label,,align:e.align||"center"},{default:u(b=>[X(o.$slots,,{currentCol:e,currentData:b.row},void 0,!0)]),_:2},1032,["label","property","align"])):(n(),_(y,{key:1,,label:e.label,"show-overflow-tooltip":!0,align:e.align||"center"},null,8,["property","label","align"]))],64))),256))]),_:3},8,["data"]))]),l("div",ae,[p(V,{background:"",layout:"prev, pager, next,total","page-size":t.pagination.pageSize,,"prev-text":"上一页","next-text":"下一页",onCurrentChange:C,"current-page":t.pagination.currentPage,"onUpdate:currentPage":r[0]||(r[0]=e=>t.pagination.currentPage=e)},null,8,["page-size","total","current-page"])])])]),_:3},8,["modelValue"])])}}},ce=M(le,[["__scopeId","data-v-68919937"]]);export{ce as D};

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

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@ -1 +1 @@
import{_ as i}from"./error6-f64d959f.js";import{_ as e,e as s,f as t,q as _}from"./index-306f53b4.js";const d={},c={class:"error_main"},a=_('<img class="error_main_img" src="'+i+'" alt=""><div class="error_main_content">正在建设中,敬请期待</div><div class="unit"><div> 应用归属单位 </div><div> 浙江省龙游县数据局 </div></div><div class="unit"><div> 应用管理员 </div><div> 王昊 </div></div><div class="unit"><div> 联系方式 </div><div> 18368625409 </div></div>',5),o=[a];function r(n,v){return s(),t("div",c,o)}const p=e(d,[["render",r]]);export{p as default};
import{_ as i}from"./error6-f64d959f.js";import{_ as e,e as s,f as t,q as _}from"./index-c3050129.js";const d={},c={class:"error_main"},a=_('<img class="error_main_img" src="'+i+'" alt=""><div class="error_main_content">正在建设中,敬请期待</div><div class="unit"><div> 应用归属单位 </div><div> 浙江省龙游县数据局 </div></div><div class="unit"><div> 应用管理员 </div><div> 王昊 </div></div><div class="unit"><div> 联系方式 </div><div> 18368625409 </div></div>',5),o=[a];function r(n,v){return s(),t("div",c,o)}const p=e(d,[["render",r]]);export{p as default};

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

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@ -1 +1 @@
import{_ as i}from"./error6-f64d959f.js";import{_ as s,e as t,f as o,q as e}from"./index-306f53b4.js";const n={},_={class:"error_main"},d=e('<img class="error_main_img" src="'+i+'" alt=""><div class="error_main_content">暂无相关内容,请退回上一页</div><div class="unit"><div> 应用归属单位 </div><div> 浙江省龙游县数据局 </div></div><div class="unit"><div> 应用管理员 </div><div> 王昊 </div></div><div class="unit"><div> 联系方式 </div><div> 18368625409 </div></div>',5),c=[d];function r(a,v){return t(),o("div",_,c)}const u=s(n,[["render",r]]);export{u as default};
import{_ as i}from"./error6-f64d959f.js";import{_ as s,e as t,f as o,q as e}from"./index-c3050129.js";const n={},_={class:"error_main"},d=e('<img class="error_main_img" src="'+i+'" alt=""><div class="error_main_content">暂无相关内容,请退回上一页</div><div class="unit"><div> 应用归属单位 </div><div> 浙江省龙游县数据局 </div></div><div class="unit"><div> 应用管理员 </div><div> 王昊 </div></div><div class="unit"><div> 联系方式 </div><div> 18368625409 </div></div>',5),c=[d];function r(a,v){return t(),o("div",_,c)}const u=s(n,[["render",r]]);export{u as default};

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@ -1 +1 @@
import{_ as i,e,f as t,q as s}from"./index-306f53b4.js";const r=""+new URL("error4-af058904.png",import.meta.url).href;const o={},d={class:"error_main"},n=s('<img class="error_main_img" src="'+r+'" alt=""><div class="error_main_content">网络错误,请检查网络连接是否正常</div><div class="unit"><div> 应用归属单位 </div><div> 浙江省龙游县数据局 </div></div><div class="unit"><div> 应用管理员 </div><div> 王昊 </div></div><div class="unit"><div> 联系方式 </div><div> 18368625409 </div></div>',5),_=[n];function c(a,v){return e(),t("div",d,_)}const m=i(o,[["render",c]]);export{m as default};
import{_ as i,e,f as t,q as s}from"./index-c3050129.js";const r=""+new URL("error4-af058904.png",import.meta.url).href;const o={},d={class:"error_main"},n=s('<img class="error_main_img" src="'+r+'" alt=""><div class="error_main_content">网络错误,请检查网络连接是否正常</div><div class="unit"><div> 应用归属单位 </div><div> 浙江省龙游县数据局 </div></div><div class="unit"><div> 应用管理员 </div><div> 王昊 </div></div><div class="unit"><div> 联系方式 </div><div> 18368625409 </div></div>',5),_=[n];function c(a,v){return e(),t("div",d,_)}const m=i(o,[["render",c]]);export{m as default};

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@ -1 +1 @@
import{_ as i,e as s,f as e,q as t}from"./index-306f53b4.js";const d=""+new URL("error5-ddc90da0.png",import.meta.url).href;const n={},r={class:"error_main"},_=t('<img class="error_main_img" src="'+d+'" alt=""><div class="error_main_content">暂无相关搜索结果,请更换关键字搜索</div><div class="unit"><div> 应用归属单位 </div><div> 浙江省龙游县数据局 </div></div><div class="unit"><div> 应用管理员 </div><div> 王昊 </div></div><div class="unit"><div> 联系方式 </div><div> 18368625409 </div></div>',5),c=[_];function o(a,v){return s(),e("div",r,c)}const m=i(n,[["render",o]]);export{m as default};
import{_ as i,e as s,f as e,q as t}from"./index-c3050129.js";const d=""+new URL("error5-ddc90da0.png",import.meta.url).href;const n={},r={class:"error_main"},_=t('<img class="error_main_img" src="'+d+'" alt=""><div class="error_main_content">暂无相关搜索结果,请更换关键字搜索</div><div class="unit"><div> 应用归属单位 </div><div> 浙江省龙游县数据局 </div></div><div class="unit"><div> 应用管理员 </div><div> 王昊 </div></div><div class="unit"><div> 联系方式 </div><div> 18368625409 </div></div>',5),c=[_];function o(a,v){return s(),e("div",r,c)}const m=i(n,[["render",o]]);export{m as default};

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@ -0,0 +1 @@
import{u as n,a as b,d as c,b as m,s,e as d,f as h,v as t,x as u,i}from"./index-c3050129.js";const y={__name:"rwTable",setup(_){n();const o=b(),e=c({xh:"",bm:"",columns:[{label:"姓名",property:"xm",width:"90"},{label:"身份证",property:"sfz"},{label:"地址",property:"dz"},{label:"年龄",property:"nl",width:"60"},{label:"人口标签",property:"bq",type:"slot"}],tableData:[]}),p=()=>{i.get(`/api/ggfwyth/pg/wxsbmRyxx/${e.xh}/${}`).then(a=>{a.code==200?(console.log(,{message:a.message})})};return m(()=>{e.xh=o.query.xh,,console.log(11,e.tableData),p()}),(a,x)=>{const l=s("el-table-column"),r=s("el-table");return d(),h("div",null,[t(r,{data:e.tableData,stripe:"",border:"","max-height":"100vh",style:{width:"100%"}},{default:u(()=>[t(l,{prop:"xm",label:"姓名",width:"60"}),t(l,{prop:"sfzhm",label:"身份证号"}),t(l,{prop:"dz",label:"地址"}),t(l,{prop:"nl",label:"年龄",width:"60"}),t(l,{prop:"bq",label:"人口标签"})]),_:1},8,["data"])])}}};export{y as default};

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

View File

@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
<!-- <script type="text/javascript"
src="//"></script> -->
<script type="module" crossorigin src="./assets/index-306f53b4.js"></script>
<script type="module" crossorigin src="./assets/index-c3050129.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="./assets/index-9c06b95a.css">


Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 15 KiB

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 12 KiB

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 14 KiB

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 17 KiB

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 12 KiB

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 7.0 KiB

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 7.1 KiB

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 7.5 KiB

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 7.3 KiB

View File

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ import { ElMessage } from "element-plus";
import tools from "@/utils/tools";
import router from "../router";
// axios.defaults.baseURL = ''
axios.defaults.baseURL = ''
axios.defaults.timeout = 120000;
// HTTP request 拦截器

View File

@ -0,0 +1,248 @@
<div ref="chart" style="width: 100%; height: 350px"></div>
<script setup>
import {
} from "vue";
// echarts
import * as echarts from "echarts";
const props = defineProps({
list: {
type: Array,
default: () => [],
list2: {
type: Array,
default: () => [],
year: {
type: Array,
default: () => [],
const data = reactive({
list: [],
list2: [],
year: [],
option: {},
bg: [],
const chart = ref(); // DOM
const getOption = () => {
data.option = {
tooltip: {
trigger: "axis",
padding: [20, 10, 20, 10],
formatter: "{b0}<br />{a1}:{c1}<br /> ",
// legend: {
// data: ["尿", ""],
// top: "6%",
// right: "11%",
// textStyle: {
// fontSize: 16,
// color: "#ffffff",
// },
// },
grid: {
top: "25%",
left: "1%",
right: "10%",
bottom: "3%",
containLabel: true,
xAxis: {
type: "category",
// boundaryGap: false,
data: data.year,
// splitArea: {
// show: true,
// interval: '10',
// areaStyle: {
// color: ["rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.10)"],
// width:10,
// },
// },
axisLabel: {
textStyle: {
color: "#ffffff",
fontSize: 16,
yAxis: {
type: "value",
splitLine: {
show: true,
lineStyle: {
color: "rgba(226, 226, 226, 0.3)",
width: 1,
axisLabel: {
textStyle: {
color: "#ffffff",
fontSize: 16,
series: [
name: "背景",
type: "bar",
showBackground: true,
backgroundStyle: {
color: "rgba(180, 180, 180, 0.2)",
name: "出生人数",
type: "line",
stack: "Total",
symbol: "emptyCircle",
smooth: true,
symbolSize: 10,
itemStyle: {
borderColor: "#E8FF00",
borderWidth: 1,
color: "#E8FF00",
label: {
show: true,
color: "#ffffff",
position: "top",
formatter: function (data) {
return data.value;
areaStyle: {
color: "#F4F65B",
normal: {
color: new echarts.graphic.LinearGradient(
offset: 0,
// color: 'RGBA(184, 204, 241, 1)'
color: "rgba(255, 234, 90, 0.50)",
offset: 1,
color: "rgba(255, 234, 90, 0)",
shadowBlur: 0, //shadowBlurshadowColor,shadowOffsetX/Y,
data: data.list,
// {
// name: "",
// type: "line",
// stack: "Total",
// symbol: "emptyCircle",
// smooth: true,
// symbolSize: 10,
// itemStyle: {
// borderColor: "#00FCFF",
// borderWidth: 1,
// color: "#00FCFF",
// },
// label: {
// show: true,
// color: "#ffffff",
// position: "top",
// formatter: function (data) {
// return data.value;
// },
// },
// areaStyle: {
// color: "#F4F65B",
// normal: {
// //线4x0,y0,x2,y2(0~1);true
// color: new echarts.graphic.LinearGradient(
// 0,
// 0,
// 0,
// 1,
// [
// {
// offset: 0,
// // color: 'RGBA(184, 204, 241, 1)'
// color: "rgba(0, 252, 255, 0.50)",
// },
// {
// offset: 1,
// color: "rgba(0, 252, 255, 0)",
// },
// ],
// false
// ),
// shadowBlur: 0, //shadowBlurshadowColor,shadowOffsetX/Y,
// },
// },
// data: data.list2,
// },
() => props.list,
(newValue, oldValue) => {
setTimeout(() => {
data.list = props.list;
data.list2 = props.list2;
data.year = props.year;
data.year.forEach(() => {;
}, 600);
const setChart = () => {
// Vue3
var myChart = echarts.init(chart.value);
// 使
onBeforeMount(() => {
setTimeout(() => {
data.list = props.list;
data.list2 = props.list2;
data.year = props.year;
data.year.forEach(() => {;
}, 600);
<style scoped></style>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,236 @@
<div ref="chart" style="width: 100%; height: 330px"></div>
<script setup>
import { onMounted, reactive, ref, onBeforeMount, defineProps } from "vue";
// echarts
import * as echarts from "echarts";
const props = defineProps({
list: {
type: Array,
default: () => [],
year: {
type: Array,
default: () => [],
const data = reactive({
list: [],
year: [],
option: {},
bg: [],
var rich = {
name: {
color: "#666666",
fontSize: 14,
padding: [8, 30, 0, 30],
fontWeight: "400",
align: "left",
value: {
color: "#333",
fontSize: 15,
padding: [0, 30, 8, 30],
fontWeight: "500",
align: "left",
percent: {
color: "#FFF",
align: "right",
fontSize: 15,
fontWeight: "500",
//padding: [0, 5]
hr: {
borderColor: "#DFDFDF",
width: "100%",
borderWidth: 1,
height: 0,
cir: {
fontSize: 26,
var colorList = ["#3BAEFF", "#41EDD5", "#FFC371", "#797AFF"];
const chart = ref(); // DOM
const getOption = () => {
data.option = {
legend: {
show: true,
width: "80%",
top: "5%",
textStyle: {
inside: true,
color: "#9FC3E7",
padding: [14, 0, 10, 0],
align: "left",
verticalAlign: "center",
fontSize: 14,
rich: {},
// icon: "rect",
itemGap: 10,
itemWidth: 12,
itemHeight: 12,
// bottom: '15%'
tooltip: {
trigger: "item",
series: [
itemStyle: {
normal: {
color: function (params) {
return colorList[params.dataIndex];
type: "pie",
radius: ["20%", "50%"],
center: ["50%", "50%"],
label: {
show: true,
position: "outside",
// alignTo: "labelLine",
backgroundColor: "transparent",
height: 0,
width: 0,
lineHeight: 0,
// 线
distanceToLabelLine: 0,
borderRadius: 3,
borderWidth: 1,
borderColor: "auto",
padding: [3, -3, 3, -3],
formatter: function (params) {
return `{b|${params.value}%}{a|${}}`;
rich: {
// a
a: {
padding: [-14, 10, 40, -70],
fontSize: "12px",
fontFamily: "MicrosoftYaHei",
color: "#fff",
// b
b: {
padding: [0, 10, 55, -70],
fontSize: "15px",
fontFamily: "MicrosoftYaHei-Bold, MicrosoftYaHei",
fontWeight: "bold",
color: "#fff",
// label: {
// textStyle: {
// color: "white", //
// fontSize: 18, //
// },
// formatter: "{b}:{c}" + "\n\n",
// borderWidth: 20,
// borderRadius: 4,
// padding: [0, -80],
// },
labelLine: {
normal: {
length: 40, // 线
length2: 40,
// lineStyle: {
// color: "white", // 线
// },
data: [
{ name: "男", value: 300 },
{ name: "女", value: 200 },
name: "外边框",
type: "pie",
tooltip: {
show: false,
clockWise: false, //
hoverAnimation: false, //
center: ["50%", "50%"], //
radius: ["52%", "52%"], //30%60%
label: {
normal: {
show: false, //datavaluename
data: [
value: 1, //
name: "", //label
itemStyle: {
normal: {
borderWidth: 20, //
// borderColor: colorList, //
borderColor: "rgba(94, 183, 249, 0.13)", //
const setChart = () => {
// Vue3
var myChart = echarts.init(chart.value);
// 使
onBeforeMount(() => {
setTimeout(() => {
data.list = props.list;
data.year = props.year;
data.year.forEach(() => {;
}, 600);
<style scoped></style>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,620 @@
<div ref="chart" style="width: 100%; height: 100%"></div>
<script setup>
import { onMounted, onBeforeMount, reactive, ref } from "vue";
// echarts
import * as echarts from "echarts";
const emit = defineEmits(["shuju"]);
const props = defineProps({
list: {
type: Array,
default: () => {
return [];
const chart = ref(); // DOM
const colors = [
left: "rgba(234, 162, 57, .16)",
right: "rgba(234, 162, 57, .6)",
top: "rgba(234, 162, 57, 1)",
bottom: "rgba(234, 162, 57, .46)",
front: "rgba(234, 162, 57, .66)",
left: "rgba(14, 252, 255, .16)",
right: "rgba(14, 252, 255, .6)",
top: "rgba(14, 252, 255, 1)",
bottom: "rgba(14, 252, 255, .46)",
front: "rgba(14, 252, 255, .66)",
// const valueList = [20, 53, 47, 65, 29, 11, 10];
const data = reactive({
list: [],
option: {},
Max: 20000,
valueList: [4504, 16086, 6130, 2844, 4967, 179, 1685, 5010],
valueList2: [1181, 2177, 3720, 3711, 4642, 1654, 3395, 5552],
xxname: ["2020", "2021", "2022", "2023"],
// 5:
// -ok rgba(103, 180, 233, 0.04)
const CubeLeft_1 = echarts.graphic.extendShape({
shape: {
x: 0,
y: 0,
buildPath: function (ctx, shape) {
// canvasshapecustom
const xAxisPoint = shape.xAxisPoint;
const c0 = [shape.x - 40, shape.y];
const c1 = [shape.x - 27, shape.y - 14];
const c2 = [xAxisPoint[0] - 27, xAxisPoint[1] - 14];
const c3 = [xAxisPoint[0] - 40, xAxisPoint[1]];
.moveTo(c0[0], c0[1])
.lineTo(c1[0], c1[1])
.lineTo(c2[0], c2[1])
.lineTo(c3[0], c3[1])
const CubeFront_1 = echarts.graphic.extendShape({
shape: {
x: 0,
y: 0,
buildPath: function (ctx, shape) {
// canvasshapecustom
const xAxisPoint = shape.xAxisPoint;
const c0 = [shape.x - 40, shape.y];
const c1 = [shape.x - 18, shape.y];
const c2 = [xAxisPoint[0] - 18, xAxisPoint[1]];
const c3 = [xAxisPoint[0] - 40, xAxisPoint[1]];
.moveTo(c0[0], c0[1])
.lineTo(c1[0], c1[1])
.lineTo(c2[0], c2[1])
.lineTo(c3[0], c3[1])
const CubeRight_1 = echarts.graphic.extendShape({
shape: {
x: 0,
y: 0,
buildPath: function (ctx, shape) {
const xAxisPoint = shape.xAxisPoint;
const c0 = [shape.x - 18, shape.y];
const c1 = [shape.x - 5, shape.y - 14];
const c2 = [xAxisPoint[0] - 5, xAxisPoint[1] - 14];
const c3 = [xAxisPoint[0] - 18, xAxisPoint[1]];
.moveTo(c0[0], c0[1])
.lineTo(c1[0], c1[1])
.lineTo(c2[0], c2[1])
.lineTo(c3[0], c3[1])
const CubeTop_1 = echarts.graphic.extendShape({
shape: {
x: 0,
y: 0,
buildPath: function (ctx, shape) {
const c0 = [shape.x - 40, shape.y];
const c1 = [shape.x - 18, shape.y];
const c2 = [shape.x - 5, shape.y - 14];
const c3 = [shape.x - 27, shape.y - 14];
.moveTo(c0[0], c0[1])
.lineTo(c1[0], c1[1])
.lineTo(c2[0], c2[1])
.lineTo(c3[0], c3[1])
const CubeBottom_1 = echarts.graphic.extendShape({
shape: {
x: 0,
y: 0,
buildPath: function (ctx, shape) {
// canvasshapecustom
const xAxisPoint = shape.xAxisPoint;
const c0 = [xAxisPoint[0] - 40, xAxisPoint[1]];
const c1 = [xAxisPoint[0] - 18, xAxisPoint[1]];
const c2 = [xAxisPoint[0] - 5, xAxisPoint[1] - 14];
const c3 = [xAxisPoint[0] - 27, xAxisPoint[1] - 14];
.moveTo(c0[0], c0[1])
.lineTo(c1[0], c1[1])
.lineTo(c2[0], c2[1])
.lineTo(c3[0], c3[1])
echarts.graphic.registerShape("CubeLeft_1", CubeLeft_1);
echarts.graphic.registerShape("CubeFront_1", CubeFront_1);
echarts.graphic.registerShape("CubeRight_1", CubeRight_1);
echarts.graphic.registerShape("CubeTop_1", CubeTop_1);
echarts.graphic.registerShape("CubeBottom_1", CubeBottom_1);
// -------------------------
const CubeLeft_2 = echarts.graphic.extendShape({
shape: {
x: 0,
y: 0,
buildPath: function (ctx, shape) {
// canvasshapecustom
const xAxisPoint = shape.xAxisPoint;
const c0 = [shape.x - 0, shape.y];
const c1 = [shape.x + 13, shape.y - 14];
const c2 = [xAxisPoint[0] + 13, xAxisPoint[1] - 14];
const c3 = [xAxisPoint[0] - 0, xAxisPoint[1]];
.moveTo(c0[0], c0[1])
.lineTo(c1[0], c1[1])
.lineTo(c2[0], c2[1])
.lineTo(c3[0], c3[1])
const CubeFront_2 = echarts.graphic.extendShape({
shape: {
x: 0,
y: 0,
buildPath: function (ctx, shape) {
// canvasshapecustom
const xAxisPoint = shape.xAxisPoint;
const c0 = [shape.x - 0, shape.y];
const c1 = [shape.x + 22, shape.y];
const c2 = [xAxisPoint[0] + 22, xAxisPoint[1]];
const c3 = [xAxisPoint[0] - 0, xAxisPoint[1]];
.moveTo(c0[0], c0[1])
.lineTo(c1[0], c1[1])
.lineTo(c2[0], c2[1])
.lineTo(c3[0], c3[1])
const CubeRight_2 = echarts.graphic.extendShape({
shape: {
x: 0,
y: 0,
buildPath: function (ctx, shape) {
const xAxisPoint = shape.xAxisPoint;
const c0 = [shape.x + 22, shape.y];
const c1 = [shape.x + 35, shape.y - 14];
const c2 = [xAxisPoint[0] + 35, xAxisPoint[1] - 14];
const c3 = [xAxisPoint[0] + 22, xAxisPoint[1]];
.moveTo(c0[0], c0[1])
.lineTo(c1[0], c1[1])
.lineTo(c2[0], c2[1])
.lineTo(c3[0], c3[1])
const CubeTop_2 = echarts.graphic.extendShape({
shape: {
x: 0,
y: 0,
buildPath: function (ctx, shape) {
const c0 = [shape.x - 0, shape.y];
const c1 = [shape.x + 22, shape.y];
const c2 = [shape.x + 35, shape.y - 14];
const c3 = [shape.x + 13, shape.y - 14];
.moveTo(c0[0], c0[1])
.lineTo(c1[0], c1[1])
.lineTo(c2[0], c2[1])
.lineTo(c3[0], c3[1])
const CubeBottom_2 = echarts.graphic.extendShape({
shape: {
x: 0,
y: 0,
buildPath: function (ctx, shape) {
// canvasshapecustom
const xAxisPoint = shape.xAxisPoint;
const c0 = [xAxisPoint[0] - 0, xAxisPoint[1]];
const c1 = [xAxisPoint[0] + 22, xAxisPoint[1]];
const c2 = [xAxisPoint[0] + 35, xAxisPoint[1] - 14];
const c3 = [xAxisPoint[0] + 13, xAxisPoint[1] - 14];
.moveTo(c0[0], c0[1])
.lineTo(c1[0], c1[1])
.lineTo(c2[0], c2[1])
.lineTo(c3[0], c3[1])
echarts.graphic.registerShape("CubeLeft_2", CubeLeft_2);
echarts.graphic.registerShape("CubeFront_2", CubeFront_2);
echarts.graphic.registerShape("CubeRight_2", CubeRight_2);
echarts.graphic.registerShape("CubeTop_2", CubeTop_2);
echarts.graphic.registerShape("CubeBottom_2", CubeBottom_2);
// ------------------------------
const getOption = () => {
data.option = {
legend: {
data: [
top: "0%",
right: "30%",
textStyle: {
fontSize: 16,
color: "#ffffff",
tooltip: {
trigger: "axis",
formatter: "{b0}:</br>{a0}:{c0}</br>{a1}:{c1}",
grid: {
left: 0,
right: 0,
bottom: 10,
top: 40,
containLabel: true,
xAxis: [
type: "category",
data: data.xxname,
axisLine: {
show: false,
offset: 10,
axisTick: {
show: false,
axisLabel: {
show: true,
color: "#fff",
fontSize: 16,
formatter: function (value) {
return value.length > 3 ? value.slice(0, 2) + "..." : value;
type: "category",
data: data.xxname,
axisLine: {
show: false,
offset: 10,
axisTick: {
show: false,
axisLabel: {
show: false,
color: "#fff",
fontSize: 16,
yAxis: {
min: 0,
max: data.Max,
// interval: 100,
type: "value",
axisLine: {
show: true,
lineStyle: {
color: "rgba(255, 255, 255, .16)",
splitLine: {
show: true,
lineStyle: {
type: "dashed",
color: "rgba(255, 255, 255, .16)",
axisTick: {
show: false,
axisLabel: {
show: true,
fontSize: 16,
color: "#fff",
series: [
xAxisIndex: 0,
name: "适龄生育妇女",
type: "custom",
renderItem: (params, api) => {
const location = api.coord([api.value(0), api.value(1)]);
return {
type: "group",
children: [
type: "CubeBottom_1",
shape: {
xValue: api.value(0),
yValue: api.value(1),
x: location[0],
y: location[1],
xAxisPoint: api.coord([api.value(0), 0]),
style: {
fill: colors[0]["bottom"],
type: "CubeLeft_1",
shape: {
xValue: api.value(0),
yValue: api.value(1),
x: location[0],
y: location[1],
xAxisPoint: api.coord([api.value(0), 0]),
style: {
fill: colors[0]["left"],
type: "CubeFront_1",
shape: {
xValue: api.value(0),
yValue: api.value(1),
x: location[0],
y: location[1],
xAxisPoint: api.coord([api.value(0), 0]),
style: {
fill: colors[0]["front"],
type: "CubeRight_1",
shape: {
xValue: api.value(0),
yValue: api.value(1),
x: location[0],
y: location[1],
xAxisPoint: api.coord([api.value(0), 0]),
style: {
fill: colors[0]["right"],
type: "CubeTop_1",
shape: {
xValue: api.value(0),
yValue: api.value(1),
x: location[0],
y: location[1],
xAxisPoint: api.coord([api.value(0), 0]),
style: {
fill: colors[0]["top"],
itemStyle: {
show: true,
color: {
type: "linear",
colorStops: [{ offset: 1, color: "rgba(234, 162, 57, 1)" }],
data: data.valueList,
xAxisIndex: 0,
name: "育龄妇女",
type: "custom",
renderItem: (params, api) => {
const location = api.coord([api.value(0), api.value(1)]);
return {
type: "group",
children: [
type: "CubeBottom_2",
shape: {
xValue: api.value(0),
yValue: api.value(1),
x: location[0],
y: location[1],
xAxisPoint: api.coord([api.value(0), 0]),
style: {
fill: colors[1]["bottom"],
type: "CubeLeft_2",
shape: {
xValue: api.value(0),
yValue: api.value(1),
x: location[0],
y: location[1],
xAxisPoint: api.coord([api.value(0), 0]),
style: {
fill: colors[1]["left"],
type: "CubeFront_2",
shape: {
xValue: api.value(0),
yValue: api.value(1),
x: location[0],
y: location[1],
xAxisPoint: api.coord([api.value(0), 0]),
style: {
fill: colors[1]["front"],
type: "CubeRight_2",
shape: {
xValue: api.value(0),
yValue: api.value(1),
x: location[0],
y: location[1],
xAxisPoint: api.coord([api.value(0), 0]),
style: {
fill: colors[1]["right"],
type: "CubeTop_2",
shape: {
xValue: api.value(0),
yValue: api.value(1),
x: location[0],
y: location[1],
xAxisPoint: api.coord([api.value(0), 0]),
style: {
fill: colors[1]["top"],
itemStyle: {
show: true,
color: {
type: "linear",
colorStops: [{ offset: 1, color: "rgba(14, 252, 255, 1)" }],
data: data.valueList2,
type: "bar",
xAxisIndex: 1,
label: {
show: true,
fontSize: 18,
position: "top",
color: "#ffffff",
formatter: function (data) {
return data.value - 5;
itemStyle: {
color: "rgba(221, 242, 255, 0)",
data: => parseInt(item) + 5),
barWidth: 30,
type: "bar",
xAxisIndex: 1,
label: {
show: true,
fontSize: 18,
position: "top",
color: "#ffffff",
formatter: function (data) {
return data.value - 5;
itemStyle: {
color: "rgba(221, 242, 255, 0)",
data: => parseInt(item) + 5),
barWidth: 20,
const setChart = () => {
var myChart = echarts.init(chart.value);
myChart.on("click", function (params) {
emit("shuju",, params.seriesIndex);
const getMaxCeilingValue = (arr) => {
let max = Math.max(...arr); //
return Math.ceil(max / 100) * 100; // 100
const setChart1 = () => {
data.valueList = [];
data.xxname = [];
if (data.list.length !== 0) {
data.list.forEach((item) => {
data.xxname.push(; //
data.valueList.push(item.num); //
onBeforeMount(() => {
setTimeout(() => {
data.xxname.forEach((item, index) => {
props.list.forEach((itemm, indexx) => {
if (item == itemm.xzjd) {
data.valueList[index] = itemm.qrrs;
data.valueList2[index] = itemm.qcrs;
}, 800);
<style lang="scss" scoped></style>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,272 @@
<div ref="chart" style="width: 100%; height: 90%"></div>
<script setup >
import { onMounted, reactive, ref, onBeforeMount, defineProps } from "vue";
// echarts
import * as echarts from "echarts";
const props = defineProps({
list: {
type: Array,
default: () => [],
year: {
type: Array,
default: () => [],
const data = reactive({
list: [],
zgffrc: [], //
cxffrc: [], //
year: [],
option: {},
bg: [],
const chart = ref(); // DOM
const getOption = () => {
data.option = {
tooltip: {
trigger: "axis",
formatter: "{b0}<br />{a1}:{c1} <br />{a3}:{c3} ",
legend: {
data: ["育龄妇女", "婴幼儿"],
top: "6%",
right: "11%",
textStyle: {
fontSize: 16,
color: "#ffffff",
grid: {
top: "23%",
left: "1%",
right: "10%",
bottom: "0%",
containLabel: true,
calculable: true,
xAxis: [
type: "value",
axisLabel: {
textStyle: {
color: "#ffffff",
fontSize: 16,
data: data.year,
axisTick: false,
type: "value",
data: data.year,
axisLabel: {
show: false,
yAxis: [
type: "category",
splitLine: {
show: true,
lineStyle: {
color: "rgba(226, 226, 226, 0.3)",
width: 1,
axisLabel: {
textStyle: {
color: "#ffffff",
fontSize: 16,
type: "category",
min: 0,
max: 100,
splitLine: {
show: false,
lineStyle: {
type: "solid",
color: "rgb(221, 242, 255,0.1)",
axisLine: {
show: false,
lineStyle: {
type: "dotted",
axisLabel: {
show: false,
fontSize: 16,
fontFamily: "MicrosoftYaHei",
color: "#ffffff",
lineHeight: 19,
series: [
// {
// z: 1,
// name: "1",
// type: "pictorialBar",
// symbolPosition: "end",
// data: data.zgffrc,
// symbol: "diamond",
// symbolOffset: ["-60%", "-50%"],
// symbolSize: [17, 10],
// itemStyle: {
// borderColor: "#2fffa4",
// color: "rgba(142, 187, 255, 1)",
// },
// },
z: 1,
name: "育龄妇女",
type: "bar",
barGap: 0.3 /*多个并排柱子设置柱子之间的间距*/,
data: data.zgffrc,
barWidth: "18%",
label: {
show: true,
color: "#ffffff",
position: "top",
formatter: function (data) {
return data.value + "万";
// itemStyle: {
// color: new echarts.graphic.LinearGradient(0, 0, 0, 1, [
// {
// offset: 0,
// color: "rgba(142, 187, 255, 1)",
// },
// {
// offset: 1,
// color: "rgba(142, 187, 255, 0.20)",
// },
// ]),
// },
itemStyle: {
color: {
type: "linear",
x: 0,
x2: 1,
y: 0,
y2: 0,
colorStops: [
{ offset: 0, color: "rgba(142, 187, 255, .7)" },
{ offset: 0.5, color: "rgba(142, 187, 255, .7)" },
{ offset: 0.5, color: "rgba(142, 187, 255, .3)" },
{ offset: 1, color: "rgba(142, 187, 255, .5)" },
// {
// z: 2,
// name: "1",
// type: "pictorialBar",
// symbolPosition: "end",
// data: data.cxffrc,
// symbol: "diamond",
// symbolOffset: ["62%", "-50%"],
// symbolSize: [17, 10],
// itemStyle: {
// borderColor: "#32ffee",
// color: "rgba(23, 237, 255, 1)",
// },
// },
z: 2,
name: "婴幼儿",
type: "bar",
barGap: 0.3 /*多个并排柱子设置柱子之间的间距*/,
data: data.cxffrc,
barWidth: "18%",
label: {
show: true,
color: "#ffffff",
position: "top",
formatter: function (data) {
return data.value + "万";
// itemStyle: {
// color: new echarts.graphic.LinearGradient(0, 0, 0, 1, [
// {
// offset: 0,
// color: "rgba(23, 237, 255, 1)",
// },
// {
// offset: 1,
// color: "rgba(23, 237, 255, 0.20)",
// },
// ]),
// },
itemStyle: {
color: {
type: "linear",
x: 0,
x2: 1,
y: 0,
y2: 0,
colorStops: [
{ offset: 0, color: "rgba(23, 237, 255, .7)" },
{ offset: 0.5, color: "rgba(23, 237, 255, .7)" },
{ offset: 0.5, color: "rgba(23, 237, 255, .3)" },
{ offset: 1, color: "rgba(23, 237, 255, .5)" },
// {
// type: "bar",
// xAxisIndex: 1,
// yAxisIndex: 1,
// itemStyle: {
// color: "rgba(221, 242, 255, 0.1)",
// },
// data: => 100),
// barWidth: 50,
// },
const setChart = () => {
// Vue3
var myChart = echarts.init(chart.value);
// 使
onBeforeMount(() => {
setTimeout(() => {
data.list = props.list;
data.year = props.year;
data.list.forEach((item) => {
data.zgffrc.push((item.zgffrc / 10000).toFixed(0));
data.cxffrc.push((item.cxffrc / 10000).toFixed(0));"");
// console.log(data.zgffrc,data.cxffrc);
}, 600);
<style scoped>

View File

@ -45,11 +45,17 @@
style="width: 100%"
<el-table-column prop="xh" label="序号" width="50" />
<el-table-column prop="xm" label="姓名" width="60" />
<el-table-column prop="sfzhm" label="身份证号" />
<el-table-column prop="sfzhm" label="身份证" />
<el-table-column prop="sfzhm" label="救助证号" />
<el-table-column prop="sfzhm" label="联系电话" />
<el-table-column prop="sfzhm" label="乡镇(街道)" />
<el-table-column prop="sfzhm" label="村社" />
<el-table-column prop="dz" label="地址" />
<el-table-column prop="nl" label="年龄" width="60" />
<el-table-column prop="bq" label="人口标签" />
<el-table-column prop="sfzhm" label="救助日期" />
<!-- <el-table-column prop="nl" label="年龄" width="60" /> -->
<!-- <el-table-column prop="bq" label="人口标签" /> -->
@ -140,7 +146,7 @@ const getDate = () => {
const personDetails = () => {
http.get(`/api/ggfwyth/pg/wxsbmRyxx/${data.xh}/${}`).then((res) => {
if (res.code == 200) {
// console.log(;
data.tableData =;
} else {
@ -164,7 +170,7 @@ onMounted(() => {
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
overflow: auto;
padding: 20px;
padding: 6px;
box-sizing: border-box;
.tableheader {
box-sizing: border-box;
@ -172,10 +178,10 @@ onMounted(() => {
display: flex;
justify-content: space-between;
padding-bottom: 20px;
margin-bottom: 20px ;
margin-bottom: 20px;
border-bottom: 2px solid #ccc;
.tableheader_title {
font-size: 18px;
font-size: 16px;
font-weight: 600;
text-align: center;
position: relative;
@ -195,7 +201,7 @@ onMounted(() => {
.select {
margin-bottom: 20px ;
margin-bottom: 20px;
width: 100%;
display: flex;
justify-content: space-between;

View File

@ -148,6 +148,7 @@
<infant v-if="gaikuangList.infant"></infant>
<work v-if=""></work>
<education v-if=""></education>
<yl v-if="gaikuangList.yl"></yl>
@ -173,6 +174,7 @@ import Bj1 from "@/assets/sy-table/sy-table7.png";
import Bj2 from "@/assets/sy-table/sy-table4.png";
import Bj3 from "@/assets/sy-table/sy-table5.png";
import Bj4 from "@/assets/sy-table/sy-table6.png";
import infant from "./table_gk/gk_infant.vue";
import work from "./table_gk/gk_work.vue";
import education from "./table_gk/gk_education.vue";
import yl from "./table_gk/gk_yl.vue";
@ -227,14 +229,18 @@ const data = reactive({
son: [
id: "0",
name: "优孕优生服务",
name: "概况",
id: "1",
name: "儿童健康服务",
name: "优孕优生服务",
id: "2",
name: "儿童健康服务",
id: "3",
name: "儿童关爱服务",
@ -510,6 +516,7 @@ const data = reactive({
Bj: [Bj, Bj1, Bj2, Bj3, Bj4],
const gaikuangList = reactive({
infant: false,
work: false,
education: false,
yl: false,
@ -519,6 +526,7 @@ const gaikuangList = reactive({
const show_7yx = ref(true);
const gk = computed(() => {
if (
gaikuangList.infant || ||
gaikuangList.hygiene || ||
@ -538,7 +546,8 @@ const tapshow = (parentId, childId) => {
localStorage.setItem("taps1", JSON.stringify(parentId));
if (
childId == 0 &&
( == "弱有所扶" ||
( == "幼有所育" || == "弱有所扶" || == "学有所教" || == "老有所养" || == "病有所医")
@ -591,11 +600,12 @@ const toggleVisibility = (val, show) => {
const gaikuang = (name) => {
// console.log(4444, name);
for (let name in gaikuangList) {
gaikuangList[name] = false;
if (name == "弱有所扶") {
if (name == "幼有所育") {
gaikuangList.infant = true;
} else if (name == "弱有所扶") { = true;
} else if (name == "学有所教") { = true;

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff