model = new \app\admin\model\cms\Archives; $this->MatchContestantModel = model('MatchContestant'); $this->UserModel = model('User'); $config = get_addon_config('cms'); if ($config['archivesdatalimit'] != 'all') { $this->dataLimit = $config['archivesdatalimit']; } //复制/加入专题/修改标签均检测编辑权限 if (in_array($this->request->action(), ['copy', 'special', 'tags', 'move', 'flag']) && !$this->auth->check('cms/archives/edit')) { Hook::listen('admin_nopermission', $this); $this->error(__('You have no permission'), ''); } //是否超级管理员 $this->isSuperAdmin = $this->auth->isSuperAdmin(); $channelList = []; $disabledIds = []; $all = collection(Channel::order("weigh desc,id desc")->select())->toArray(); //允许的栏目 $this->channelIds = $this->isSuperAdmin || !$config['channelallocate'] ? Channel::column('id') : ChannelAdmin::getAdminChanneIds(); $parentChannelIds = Channel::where('id', 'in', $this->channelIds)->column('parent_id'); $parentChannelIds = array_unique($parentChannelIds); $parentChannelList = \think\Db::name('cms_channel')->where('id', 'in', $parentChannelIds)->where('parent_id', '<>', 0)->field('id,parent_id,name')->select(); $tree = Tree::instance()->init($all, 'parent_id'); foreach ($parentChannelList as $index => $channel) { $parentChannelIds = array_merge($parentChannelIds, $tree->getParentsIds($channel['parent_id'], true)); } $this->channelIds = array_merge($parentChannelIds, $this->channelIds); foreach ($all as $k => $v) { $state = ['opened' => true]; if ($v['type'] == 'link') { $disabledIds[] = $v['id']; } if ($v['type'] == 'link') { $state['checkbox_disabled'] = true; } if (!$this->isSuperAdmin) { if (!in_array($v['id'], $parentChannelIds) && !in_array($v['id'], $this->channelIds)) { unset($all[$k]); continue; } } $channelList[] = [ 'id' => $v['id'], 'parent' => $v['parent_id'] ? $v['parent_id'] : '#', 'text' => __($v['name']), 'type' => $v['type'], 'state' => $state ]; } $tree = Tree::instance()->init($all, 'parent_id'); $channelOptions = $tree->getTree(0, "", '', $disabledIds); $secondChannelOptions = $tree->getTree(0, "", '', $disabledIds); $this->view->assign('channelOptions', $channelOptions); $this->view->assign('secondChannelOptions', $secondChannelOptions); $this->assignconfig('channelList', $channelList); $this->assignconfig('spiderRecord', intval($config['spiderrecord'] ?? 0)); $this->assignconfig("flagList", $this->model->getFlagList()); $this->view->assign("flagList", $this->model->getFlagList()); $this->view->assign("statusList", $this->model->getStatusList()); $this->assignconfig('cms', ['archiveseditmode' => $config['archiveseditmode']]); } /** * 查看 */ public function index() { //设置过滤方法 $this->request->filter(['strip_tags']); if ($this->request->isAjax()) { $this->relationSearch = true; //如果发送的来源是Selectpage,则转发到Selectpage if ($this->request->request('keyField')) { return $this->selectpage(); } list($where, $sort, $order, $offset, $limit) = $this->buildparams(); if (!$this->auth->isSuperAdmin()) { $this->model->where('channel_id', 'in', $this->channelIds); } $total = $this->model ->with('Channel') ->where($where) ->order($sort, $order) ->count(); if (!$this->auth->isSuperAdmin()) { $this->model->where('channel_id', 'in', $this->channelIds); } $list = $this->model ->with(['Channel']) ->where($where) ->order($sort, $order) ->limit($offset, $limit) ->select(); addtion($list, [ [ 'field' => 'channel_ids', 'display' => 'channel_ids', 'model' => Channel::class, ], ]); \app\admin\model\cms\SpiderLog::render($list, 'archives'); $result = array("total" => $total, "rows" => $list); return json($result); } $modelList = \app\admin\model\cms\Modelx::all(); $specialList = \app\admin\model\cms\Special::where('status', 'normal')->select(); $this->view->assign('modelList', $modelList); $this->view->assign('specialList', $specialList); return $this->view->fetch(); } /** * 副表内容 */ public function content($model_id = null) { $model = \app\admin\model\cms\Modelx::get($model_id); if (!$model) { $this->error('未找到对应模型'); } $fieldsList = \app\admin\model\cms\Fields::where('source', 'model')->where('source_id', $model['id'])->where('type', '<>', 'text')->select(); //设置过滤方法 $this->request->filter(['strip_tags', 'trim']); if ($this->request->isAjax()) { //如果发送的来源是Selectpage,则转发到Selectpage if ($this->request->request('keyField')) { return $this->selectpage(); } $fields = []; foreach ($fieldsList as $index => $item) { $fields[] = "addon." . $item['name']; } $filter = $this->request->request('filter'); $op = $this->request->request('op'); if ($filter && $op) { $filterArr = json_decode($filter, true); $opArr = json_decode($op, true); foreach ($filterArr as $index => $item) { if (in_array("addon." . $index, $fields)) { $filterArr["addon." . $index] = $item; $opArr["addon." . $index] = $opArr[$index]; unset($filterArr[$index], $opArr[$index]); } } $this->request->get(['filter' => json_encode($filterArr), 'op' => json_encode($opArr)]); } $this->searchFields = ",archives.title"; $this->relationSearch = true; $table = $this->model->getTable(); list($where, $sort, $order, $offset, $limit, $page, $alias) = $this->buildparams(); $sort = ''; $isSuperAdmin = $this->isSuperAdmin; $channelIds = $this->channelIds; // var_dump(['0'=>36,'1'=>80]);exit; $customWhere = function ($query) use ($isSuperAdmin, $channelIds, $model_id) { if (!$isSuperAdmin) { $query->where('archives.channel_id', 'in', $channelIds); } if ($model_id) { $query->where('archives.model_id', $model_id); if ($model_id == 2){ $res = $query->where('archives.channel_id', 36)->whereOr('archives.channel_id', 80); // var_dump($res);exit; } // if ($model_id == 6){ // $res = $query->where('archives.channel_id', 73); // // var_dump($res);exit; // } } }; $list = $this->model ->alias($alias) ->alias('archives') ->join('cms_channel channel', '', 'LEFT') ->join($model['table'] . ' addon', '', 'LEFT') ->field('archives.*, as channel_name, as aid' . ($fields ? ',' . implode(',', $fields) : '')) ->where($customWhere) ->whereNull('deletetime') ->where($where) ->order($sort, $order) ->paginate($limit); // var_dump($list);exit; $result = array("total" => $list->total(), "rows" => $list->items()); return json($result); } $fields = []; foreach ($fieldsList as $index => $item) { $fields[] = ['field' => $item['name'], 'title' => $item['title'], 'type' => $item['type'], 'content' => $item['content_list']]; } $this->assignconfig('fields', $fields); $this->view->assign('fieldsList', $fieldsList); $this->view->assign('model', $model); $this->assignconfig('model_id', $model_id); $modelList = \app\admin\model\cms\Modelx::all(); $this->view->assign('modelList', $modelList); return $this->view->fetch(); } /** * 编辑 * * @param mixed $ids * @return string */ public function edit($ids = null) { $row = $this->model->get($ids); if (!$row) { $this->error(__('No Results were found')); } $adminIds = $this->getDataLimitAdminIds(); if (is_array($adminIds)) { if (!in_array($row[$this->dataLimitField], $adminIds)) { $this->error(__('You have no permission')); } } if (!$this->isSuperAdmin && !in_array($row['channel_id'], $this->channelIds)) { $this->error(__('You have no permission')); } if ($this->request->isPost()) { return parent::edit($ids); } $channel = Channel::get($row['channel_id']); if (!$channel) { $this->error(__('No specified channel found')); } $model = \app\admin\model\cms\Modelx::get($channel['model_id']); if (!$model) { $this->error(__('No specified model found')); } $addon = db($model['table'])->where('id', $row['id'])->find(); if ($addon) { $row->setData($addon); } $disabledIds = []; $all = collection(Channel::order("weigh desc,id desc")->select())->toArray(); foreach ($all as $k => $v) { if ($v['type'] == 'link' || $v['model_id'] != $channel['model_id']) { $disabledIds[] = $v['id']; } } $disabledIds = array_diff($disabledIds, [$row['channel_id']]); $tree = Tree::instance()->init($all, 'parent_id'); $channelOptions = $tree->getTree(0, "", $row['channel_id'], $disabledIds); $secondChannelOptions = $tree->getTree(0, "", explode(',', $row['channel_ids']), $disabledIds); $this->view->assign('channelOptions', $channelOptions); $this->view->assign('secondChannelOptions', $secondChannelOptions); $this->view->assign("row", $row); return $this->view->fetch(); } /** * 删除 * @param mixed $ids */ public function del($ids = "") { parent::del($ids); } /** * 销毁 * @param string $ids */ public function destroy($ids = "") { \app\admin\model\cms\Archives::event('after_delete', function ($row) { //删除副表 $channel = Channel::get($row->channel_id); if ($channel) { $model = Modelx::get($channel['model_id']); if ($model) { db($model['table'])->where("id", $row['id'])->delete(); } } }); parent::destroy($ids); } /** * 还原 * @param mixed $ids */ public function restore($ids = "") { if (!$this->request->isPost()) { $this->error(__("Invalid parameters")); } $pk = $this->model->getPk(); $adminIds = $this->getDataLimitAdminIds(); if (is_array($adminIds)) { $this->model->where($this->dataLimitField, 'in', $adminIds); } if ($ids) { $this->model->where($pk, 'in', $ids); } $config = get_addon_config('cms'); $list = $this->model->onlyTrashed()->select(); if ($list) { $ids = []; $refreshIds = []; foreach ($list as $index => $item) { if ($item['status'] == 'normal') { User::score($config['score']['postarchives'], $item['user_id'], '发布文章'); } $ids[] = $item['id']; $refreshIds = array_merge([$item['channel_id']], explode(',', $item['channel_ids'])); $refreshIds = array_filter(array_unique($refreshIds)); } $this->model->where('id', 'in', $ids); $this->model->restore('1=1'); Channel::refreshItems($refreshIds); $this->success(); } $this->error(__('No rows were updated')); } /** * 移动 * @param string $ids */ public function move($ids = "") { if (!$this->request->isPost()) { $this->error(__("Invalid parameters")); } if ($ids) { if (!$this->request->isPost()) { $this->error(__("Invalid parameters")); } $channel_id = $this->request->post('channel_id'); $pk = $this->model->getPk(); $adminIds = $this->getDataLimitAdminIds(); if (is_array($adminIds)) { $this->model->where($this->dataLimitField, 'in', $adminIds); } $this->model->where($pk, 'in', $ids); $channel = Channel::get($channel_id); if ($channel && $channel['type'] === 'list') { $channelNums = \app\admin\model\cms\Archives:: with('channel') ->where('archives.' . $pk, 'in', $ids) ->where('channel_id', '<>', $channel['id']) ->field('channel_id,COUNT(*) AS nums') ->group('channel_id') ->select(); $result = $this->model ->where('model_id', '=', $channel['model_id']) ->where('channel_id', '<>', $channel['id']) ->update(['channel_id' => $channel_id]); if ($result) { $this->success(); } else { $this->error(__('No rows were updated')); } } else { $this->error(__('No rows were updated')); } $this->error(__('Parameter %s can not be empty', 'ids')); } } /** * 复制选择行 * @param string $ids */ public function copy($ids = "") { if (!$this->request->isPost()) { $this->error(__("Invalid parameters")); } if ($ids) { $pk = $this->model->getPk(); $adminIds = $this->getDataLimitAdminIds(); if (is_array($adminIds)) { $this->model->where($this->dataLimitField, 'in', $adminIds); } $archivesList = $this->model->where('id', 'in', $ids)->select(); foreach ($archivesList as $index => $item) { try { $model = Modelx::get($item['model_id']); $addon = \think\Db::name($model['table'])->find($item['id']); $data = $item->toArray(); $data = array_merge($data, $addon ?? []); $data['title'] = $data['title'] . "_copy"; $data['status'] = 'hidden'; unset($data['id']); \app\admin\model\cms\Archives::create($data, true); } catch (\Exception $e) { // } } $this->success(); $this->error(__('Parameter %s can not be empty', 'ids')); } } /** * 加入专题 * @param string $ids */ public function special($ids = "") { if (!$this->request->isPost()) { $this->error(__("Invalid parameters")); } if ($ids) { $special_id = $this->request->post('special_id'); $pk = $this->model->getPk(); $adminIds = $this->getDataLimitAdminIds(); if (is_array($adminIds)) { $this->model->where($this->dataLimitField, 'in', $adminIds); } $special = \app\admin\model\cms\Special::get($special_id); if ($special) { $archivesList = $this->model->where($pk, 'in', $ids)->select(); foreach ($archivesList as $index => $item) { $special_ids = explode(',', $item['special_ids']); if (!in_array($special['id'], $special_ids)) { $special_ids[] = $special['id']; $item->save(['special_ids' => implode(',', array_unique(array_filter($special_ids)))]); } } $this->success(); } else { $this->error(__('No rows were updated')); } } $this->error(__('Please select at least one row')); } /** * 加入标签 * @param string $ids */ public function tags($ids = "") { if (!$this->request->isPost()) { $this->error(__("Invalid parameters")); } if ($ids) { $tags = $this->request->post('tags'); $newTagsArr = array_filter(explode(',', $tags)); if ($newTagsArr) { $pk = $this->model->getPk(); $adminIds = $this->getDataLimitAdminIds(); if (is_array($adminIds)) { $this->model->where($this->dataLimitField, 'in', $adminIds); } $archivesList = $this->model->where($pk, 'in', $ids)->select(); foreach ($archivesList as $index => $item) { $tagsArr = explode(',', $item['tags']); $tagsArr = array_merge($tagsArr, $newTagsArr); $item->save(['tags' => implode(',', array_unique(array_filter($tagsArr)))]); } $this->success(); } else { $this->error(__('标签数据不能为空')); } } $this->error(__('Please select at least one row')); } /** * 修改标志 * @param string $ids */ public function flag($ids = "") { if (!$this->request->isPost()) { $this->error(__("Invalid parameters")); } if ($ids) { $type = $this->request->post('type'); $flag = $this->request->post('flag'); $changeFlagArr = array_filter(explode(',', $flag)); if ($changeFlagArr) { $pk = $this->model->getPk(); $adminIds = $this->getDataLimitAdminIds(); if (is_array($adminIds)) { $this->model->where($this->dataLimitField, 'in', $adminIds); } $archivesList = $this->model->where($pk, 'in', $ids)->select(); foreach ($archivesList as $index => $item) { $flagArr = explode(',', $item['flag']); if ($type == 'add') { $flagArr = array_merge($flagArr, $changeFlagArr); } else { $flagArr = array_diff($flagArr, $changeFlagArr); } $item->save(['flag' => implode(',', array_unique(array_filter($flagArr)))]); } $this->success(); } else { $this->error(__('标志数据不能为空')); } } $this->error(__('Please select at least one row')); } /** * 获取栏目列表 * @internal */ public function get_fields_html() { $this->view->engine->layout(false); $channel_id = $this->request->post('channel_id'); $archives_id = $this->request->post('archives_id'); $channel = Channel::get($channel_id, 'model'); if ($channel) { $model_id = $channel['model_id']; $values = []; if ($archives_id) { $values = db($channel['model']['table'])->where('id', $archives_id)->find(); //优先从栏目获取模型ID,再从文档获取 $archives = \app\admin\model\cms\Archives::get($archives_id); $model_id = $archives ? $archives['model_id'] : $model_id; } $fields = \addons\cms\library\Service::getCustomFields('model', $model_id, $values); $model = Modelx::get($model_id); $setting = $model['setting']; $publishfields = isset($setting['publishfields']) ? $setting['publishfields'] : []; $titlelist = isset($setting['titlelist']) ? $setting['titlelist'] : []; $this->view->assign('channel', $channel); $this->view->assign('fields', $fields); $this->view->assign('values', $values); $this->success('', null, ['html' => $this->view->fetch('cms/common/fields'), 'publishfields' => $publishfields, 'titlelist' => $titlelist]); } else { $this->error(__('Please select channel')); } $this->error(__('Parameter %s can not be empty', 'ids')); } /** * 检测元素是否可用 * @internal */ public function check_element_available() { $id = $this->request->request('id'); $name = $this->request->request('name'); $value = $this->request->request('value'); $name = substr($name, 4, -1); if (!$name) { $this->error(__('Parameter %s can not be empty', 'name')); } if ($id) { $this->model->where('id', '<>', $id); } $exist = $this->model->where($name, $value)->find(); if ($exist) { $this->error(__('The data already exist')); } else { $this->success(); } } /** * 搜索建议 * @internal */ public function suggestion() { $config = get_addon_config('cms'); $q = trim($this->request->request("q")); $id = trim($this->request->request("id/d")); $list = []; if ($config['searchtype'] == 'xunsearch') { $result = FulltextSearch::search($q, 1, 10); } else { $result = $this->model->where("title|keywords|description", "like", "%{$q}%")->where('id', '<>', $id)->limit(10)->order("id", "desc")->select(); foreach ($result as $index => $item) { $item['image'] = $item['image'] ? $item['image'] : '/assets/addons/cms/img/noimage.png'; $list[] = ['id' => $item['id'], 'url' => $item['fullurl'], 'image' => cdnurl($item['image']), 'title' => $item['title'], 'create_date' => datetime($item['createtime']), 'status' => $item['status'], 'status_text' => $item['status_text'], 'deletetime' => $item['deletetime']]; } } return json($list); } /** * Created by PhpStorm. * Author:Soar * Time:2023/7/12 11:54 * @return string * @throws \think\Exception * @DESC 赛事页面飞手列表 */ public function league_allplayer() { return $this->view->fetch(); } public function league_wholeplayer() { return $this->view->fetch(); } public function leaguecontestant() { return $this->view->fetch(); } public function contestant() { return $this->view->fetch(); } public function club_match_list() { return $this->view->fetch(); } public function uploadfile() { return $this->view->fetch(); } public function test() { return $this->view->fetch(); } public function course() { return $this->view->fetch(); } public function visualization() { return $this->view->fetch(); } public function league(){ return $this->view->fetch(); } public function league_course(){ return $this->view->fetch(); } public function getleagueList() { $ClubMatchApply = new ClubMatchApply(); $club = new Club(); // $this->relationSearch = true; //设置过滤方法 $this->request->filter(['strip_tags', 'trim']); if ($this->request->isAjax()) { // 拦截部分信息修改 if (!empty($this->request->get("op", '', 'trim'))) { $op = json_decode($this->request->get("op", '', 'trim'), true); $filter = json_decode($this->request->get("filter", '', 'trim'), true); $matchId = trim($this->request->request("ids/d")); // var_dump($op);exit; if (!empty($filter[''])) { $club_list = $this->MatchContestantModel // ->where($where) ->field('club_id') ->where('match_id', 'eq', $matchId) ->group('club_id') // ->fetchSql(true) ->select(); foreach ($club_list as $v){ $new_arr[] = $v['club_id']; } $res = $club->field('id')->where('id','in',$new_arr)->where('name','like','%'.$filter[''].'%')->select(); // var_dump($res);exit; foreach ($res as $v){ $new_arrs[] = $v['id']; } unset($op['']); unset($filter['']); $filter['club_id'] = empty($new_arrs) ? 1: $new_arrs; $op['club_id'] = "in"; $this->request->get(["op" => json_encode($op)])["op"] = json_encode($op); $this->request->get(["filter" => json_encode($filter)]); } } //如果发送的来源是Selectpage,则转发到Selectpage if ($this->request->request('keyField')) { return $this->selectpage(); } // $res = $this->buildparams(); // var_dump($res);exit; list($where, $sort, $order, $offset, $limit) = $this->buildparams(); $matchId = trim($this->request->request("ids/d")); // $list = $ClubMatchApply->where($where) // ->where('match_id', 'eq', $matchId) // ->order($sort, $order) // ->paginate($limit); // var_dump($where);exit; $sort = 'status,id desc'; $club_list = $this->MatchContestantModel ->with('club') // ->alias('a') // ->join('club club','a.club_id =') ->where($where) ->where('match_id', 'eq', $matchId) ->order($sort, $order) ->group('club_id') // ->fetchSql(true) ->paginate($limit); // var_dump($club_list);exit; // var_dump($list->toArray()['data']);exit; // $lists = $list->toArray()['data']; foreach ($club_list as &$val){ $val->club = $club->where('id',$val['club_id'])->find(); // if(!empty($res)) $res = $res->toArray(); // $val['clubs'] = $res; } // $a = $club_list->items(); // foreach ($a as &$val){ // $val = $val->toArray(); // } // var_dump($a);exit; $result = array("total" => $club_list->total(), "rows" => $club_list->items()); return json($result); } } public function getmatch_wholeList() { $ClubMatchApply = new ClubMatchApply(); $club = new Club(); //设置过滤方法 $this->request->filter(['strip_tags', 'trim']); if ($this->request->isAjax()) { // 拦截部分信息修改 if (!empty($this->request->get("op", '', 'trim'))) { $op = json_decode($this->request->get("op", '', 'trim'), true); $filter = json_decode($this->request->get("filter", '', 'trim'), true); // var_dump($filter);exit; if (!empty($filter['user.member_number'])) { // 获取用户信息 $players = $this->UserModel->where('member_number', $filter['user.member_number'])->find(); // var_dump($players);exit; if (!empty($players)) { unset($op['user.member_number']); unset($filter['user.member_number']); $filter['players.member_id'] = $players->id; $op['players.member_id'] = "LIKE"; $this->request->get(["op" => json_encode($op)])["op"] = json_encode($op); $this->request->get(["filter" => json_encode($filter)]); } } } //如果发送的来源是Selectpage,则转发到Selectpage if ($this->request->request('keyField')) { return $this->selectpage(); } list($where, $sort, $order, $offset, $limit) = $this->buildparams(); $ids = trim($this->request->request("ids/d")); // var_dump($ids);exit; $matchId = $this->MatchContestantModel ->field('match_id')->where('match_id', 'eq', $ids)->where('club_status',null)->find(); // var_dump($matchId);exit; // $list = $ClubMatchApply->where($where) // ->where('match_id', 'eq', $matchId) // ->order($sort, $order) // ->paginate($limit); $list = $this->MatchContestantModel ->with('players') ->where($where) ->where('match_id', 'eq', $matchId['match_id']) ->where('club_status',null) ->order($sort, $order) // ->distinct(true) ->paginate($limit); // var_dump($list->toArray()['data']);exit; // $lists = $list->toArray()['data']; foreach ($list as &$val){ if(empty($val->players->member_id)){ continue; } if(strpos($val->players->player_pic, 'aliyuncs') === false){ // $val->players->player_pic = ''.$val->players->player_pic; } $val->user = $this->UserModel->find($val->players->member_id); $val->club = $club->where('id',$val['club_id'])->find(); } $result = array("total" => $list->total(), "rows" => $list->items()); // var_dump($result);exit; return json($result); } } public function getmatch_idsList() { $ClubMatchApply = new ClubMatchApply(); $club = new Club(); //设置过滤方法 $this->request->filter(['strip_tags', 'trim']); if ($this->request->isAjax()) { // 拦截部分信息修改 if (!empty($this->request->get("op", '', 'trim'))) { $op = json_decode($this->request->get("op", '', 'trim'), true); $filter = json_decode($this->request->get("filter", '', 'trim'), true); // var_dump($filter);exit; if (!empty($filter['user.member_number'])) { // 获取用户信息 $players = $this->UserModel->where('member_number', $filter['user.member_number'])->find(); // var_dump($players);exit; if (!empty($players)) { unset($op['user.member_number']); unset($filter['user.member_number']); $filter['players.member_id'] = $players->id; $op['players.member_id'] = "LIKE"; $this->request->get(["op" => json_encode($op)])["op"] = json_encode($op); $this->request->get(["filter" => json_encode($filter)]); } } } //如果发送的来源是Selectpage,则转发到Selectpage if ($this->request->request('keyField')) { return $this->selectpage(); } list($where, $sort, $order, $offset, $limit) = $this->buildparams(); $ids = trim($this->request->request("ids/d")); // var_dump($ids);exit; $matchId = $this->MatchContestantModel ->field('match_id,club_id')->where('id', 'eq', $ids)->find(); // var_dump($matchId['club_id']);exit; // $list = $ClubMatchApply->where($where) // ->where('match_id', 'eq', $matchId) // ->order($sort, $order) // ->paginate($limit); // var_dump($where);exit; $list = $this->MatchContestantModel ->with('player') ->where($where) ->where('match_id', 'eq', $matchId['match_id']) ->where('club_id','eq',$matchId['club_id']) ->where('club_status',null) ->order($sort, $order) // ->distinct(true) ->paginate($limit); // var_dump($list->toArray()['data']);exit; // $lists = $list->toArray()['data']; foreach ($list as &$val){ if(empty($val->players->member_id)){ continue; } $val->user = $this->UserModel->find($val->players->member_id); $val->club = $club->where('id',$val['club_id'])->find(); } $result = array("total" => $list->total(), "rows" => $list->items()); // var_dump($result);exit; return json($result); } } public function getplayersList() { $ClubMatchApply = new ClubMatchApply(); $club = new Club(); //设置过滤方法 $this->request->filter(['strip_tags', 'trim']); if ($this->request->isAjax()) { // 拦截部分信息修改 if (!empty($this->request->get("op", '', 'trim'))) { $op = json_decode($this->request->get("op", '', 'trim'), true); $filter = json_decode($this->request->get("filter", '', 'trim'), true); // var_dump($filter);exit; if (!empty($filter['user.member_number'])) { // 获取用户信息 $players = $this->UserModel->where('member_number', $filter['user.member_number'])->find(); // var_dump($players);exit; if (!empty($players)) { unset($op['user.member_number']); unset($filter['user.member_number']); $filter['players.member_id'] = $players->id; $op['players.member_id'] = "LIKE"; $this->request->get(["op" => json_encode($op)])["op"] = json_encode($op); $this->request->get(["filter" => json_encode($filter)]); } } } //如果发送的来源是Selectpage,则转发到Selectpage if ($this->request->request('keyField')) { return $this->selectpage(); } // var_dump($where);exit; list($where, $sort, $order, $offset, $limit) = $this->buildparams(); $matchId = trim($this->request->request("ids/d")); // var_dump($where);exit; // $list = $ClubMatchApply->where($where) // ->where('match_id', 'eq', $matchId) // ->order($sort, $order) // ->paginate($limit); $list = $this->MatchContestantModel ->with('players') ->where($where) ->where('match_id', 'eq', $matchId) ->order($sort, $order) // ->distinct(true) ->paginate($limit); // var_dump($list->toArray()['data']);exit; // $lists = $list->toArray()['data']; foreach ($list as &$val){ if(empty($val->players->member_id)){ continue; } // var_dump($val['club_id']);exit; // $club->where('id',$val->club_id); $val->user = $this->UserModel->find($val->players->member_id); $val->club = $club->where('id',$val['club_id'])->find(); // if(!empty($res)) $res = $res->toArray(); // $val['clubs'] = $res; } $result = array("total" => $list->total(), "rows" => $list->items()); // var_dump($result);exit; return json($result); } } }