'会员中心', 'Register' => '注册', 'Login' => '登录', 'Account' => '账号', 'Mobile' => '手机号', 'Email' => '邮箱', 'Captcha' => '验证码', 'Lv' => 'Lv', 'Score' => '积分', 'Day' => '天', 'Intro' => '个人介绍', 'Successions' => '连续登录', 'Maxsuccessions' => '最长连续登录', 'Logintime' => '登录时间', 'Prevtime' => '最后登录', 'Change' => '修改', 'Click to edit' => '点击编辑', 'Email/Mobile/Username' => '邮箱/手机/用户名', 'Sign up successful' => '注册成功/Sign up successful', 'Email active successful' => '邮箱激活成功', 'Username can not be empty' => '用户名不能为空', 'Username must be 3 to 30 characters' => '用户名必须是3-30位字母或数字 / Username must be 3 to 30 characters', 'Username must be 6 to 30 characters' => '用户名必须6-30个字符', 'Account must be 3 to 50 characters' => '账户必须3-50个字符', 'Password can not be empty' => '密码不能为空', 'Password must be 6 to 30 characters placeholder' => '密码必须6-30个字符', 'Password must be 6 to 30 characters' => '密码必须6-30个字符 / Password must be 6 to 30 characters', 'Email is incorrect' => '邮箱格式不正确', 'Mobile is incorrect' => '手机格式不正确/Mobile is incorrect', 'Username already exist' => '用户名已经存在/Username already exist', 'Nickname already exist' => '昵称已经存在/Nickname already exist', 'Email already exist' => '邮箱已经存在', 'Mobile already exist' => '手机号已经存在/Mobile already exist', 'Username is incorrect' => '用户名不正确/Username is incorrect', 'Reset password' => '修改密码', 'Reset password by email' => '通过邮箱', 'Reset password by mobile' => '通过手机重置', 'Reset password successful' => '修改密码成功', 'Account is locked' => '账户已经被锁定/Account is locked', 'Password is incorrect' => '密码不正确/Password is incorrect', 'Account is incorrect' => '账户不正确/Account is incorrect', 'Account not exist' => '账户不存在/Account not exist', 'Account can not be empty' => '账户不能为空', 'Username or password is incorrect' => '用户名或密码不正确/Username or password is incorrect', 'You are not logged in' => '你当前还未登录/You are not logged in', 'You\'ve logged in, do not login again' => '你已经登录,请不要重复登录/You\'ve logged in, do not login again', 'This guy hasn\'t written anything yet' => '这个人很懒,啥也没写', 'Profile' => '个人资料', 'Old password' => '旧密码', 'New password' => '新密码', 'Renew password' => '确认新密码', 'Change password' => '修改密码', 'New email' => '新邮箱', 'New mobile' => '新手机号', 'Change password successful' => '修改密码成功', 'Password and confirm password don\'t match' => '两次输入的密码不一致', 'Captcha is incorrect' => '验证码不正确', 'Logged in successful' => '登录成功/Logged in successful', 'Logout successful' => '退出成功/Logout successful', 'User center already closed' => '会员中心已经关闭', 'Don\'t have an account? Sign up' => '还没有账号?点击注册', 'Already have an account? Sign in' => '已经有账号?点击登录', 'Operation failed' => '操作失败', 'Invalid parameters' => '参数不正确', 'Change password failure' => '修改密码失败', 'All' => '全部', 'Url' => '物理路径', 'Imagewidth' => '宽度', 'Imageheight' => '高度', 'Imagetype' => '图片类型', 'Imageframes' => '图片帧数', 'Preview' => '预览', 'Filename' => '文件名', 'Filesize' => '文件大小', 'Mimetype' => 'Mime类型', 'Image' => '图片', 'Audio' => '音频', 'Video' => '视频', 'Text' => '文档', 'Application' => '应用', 'Zip' => '压缩包', 'Extparam' => '透传数据/Extparam', 'Createtime' => '创建日期/Createtime', 'Uploadtime' => '上传时间/Uploadtime', 'Storage' => '存储引擎/Storage', ];