error(__('User center already closed')); } } /** * 会员中心 */ public function index() { $this->success('', ['welcome' => $this->auth->nickname]); } /** * 会员登录 * * @ApiMethod (POST) * @param string $account 账号 * @param string $password 密码 */ public function login() { $account = $this->request->post('account'); $password = $this->request->post('password'); if (!$account || !$password) { $this->error(__('Invalid parameters')); } $ret = $this->auth->login($account, $password); if ($ret) { $data = ['userinfo' => $this->auth->getUserinfo()]; $this->success(__('Logged in successful'), $data); } else { $this->error($this->auth->getError()); } } /** * 手机验证码登录 * * @ApiMethod (POST) * @param string $mobile 手机号 * @param string $captcha 验证码 */ public function mobilelogin() { $mobile = $this->request->post('mobile'); $captcha = $this->request->post('captcha'); if (!$mobile || !$captcha) { $this->error(__('Invalid parameters')); } if (!Validate::regex($mobile, "^1\d{10}$")) { $this->error(__('Mobile is incorrect')); } if (!Sms::check($mobile, $captcha, 'mobilelogin')) { $this->error(__('Captcha is incorrect')); } $user = \app\common\model\User::getByMobile($mobile); if ($user) { if ($user->status != 'normal') { $this->error(__('Account is locked')); } //如果已经有账号则直接登录 $ret = $this->auth->direct($user->id); } else { $ret = $this->auth->register($mobile, Random::alnum(), '', $mobile, []); } if ($ret) { Sms::flush($mobile, 'mobilelogin'); $data = ['userinfo' => $this->auth->getUserinfo()]; $this->success(__('Logged in successful'), $data); } else { $this->error($this->auth->getError()); } } /** * 注册会员 * * @ApiMethod (POST) * @param string $username 用户名 * @param string $password 密码 * @param string $email 邮箱 * @param string $mobile 手机号 * @param string $code 验证码 */ public function register() { $username = $this->request->post('username'); $password = $this->request->post('password'); $email = $this->request->post('email'); $mobile = $this->request->post('mobile'); $code = $this->request->post('code'); if (!$username || !$password) { $this->error(__('Invalid parameters')); } if ($email && !Validate::is($email, "email")) { $this->error(__('Email is incorrect')); } if ($mobile && !Validate::regex($mobile, "^1\d{10}$")) { $this->error(__('Mobile is incorrect')); } $ret = Sms::check($mobile, $code, 'register'); if (!$ret) { $this->error(__('Captcha is incorrect')); } $ret = $this->auth->register($username, $password, $email, $mobile, []); if ($ret) { $data = ['userinfo' => $this->auth->getUserinfo()]; $this->success(__('Sign up successful'), $data); } else { $this->error($this->auth->getError()); } } /** * 注册会员 * * @ApiMethod (POST) * @param string $username 用户名 * @param string $password 密码 * @param string $email 邮箱 * @param string $mobile 手机号 * @param string $code 验证码 */ public function registerTikTok() { $username = $this->request->post('username'); $password = $this->request->post('password'); $mobile = $this->request->post('mobile'); $code = $this->request->post('code'); if (!$username || !$password) { $this->error(__('Invalid parameters')); } if ($mobile && !Validate::regex($mobile, "^1\d{10}$")) { $this->error(__('Mobile is incorrect')); } $ret = Sms::check($mobile, $code, 'register'); if (!$ret) { $this->error(__('Captcha is incorrect')); } $ret = $this->auth->register($username, $password, "", $mobile, []); if ($ret) { $data = ['userinfo' => $this->auth->getUserinfo()]; $this->success(__('Sign up successful'), $data); } else { $this->error($this->auth->getError()); } } /** * 退出登录 * @ApiMethod (POST) */ public function logout() { if (!$this->request->isPost()) { $this->error(__('Invalid parameters')); } $this->auth->logout(); $this->success('退出成功/Logout successful'); } /** * 修改会员个人信息 * * @ApiMethod (POST) * @param string $avatar 头像地址 * @param string $username 用户名 * @param string $nickname 昵称 * @param string $bio 个人简介 */ public function profile() { $user = $this->auth->getUser(); $username = $this->request->post('username'); $nickname = $this->request->post('nickname'); $bio = $this->request->post('bio'); $avatar = $this->request->post('avatar', '', 'trim,strip_tags,htmlspecialchars'); if ($username) { $exists = \app\common\model\User::where('username', $username)->where('id', '<>', $this->auth->id)->find(); if ($exists) { $this->error(__('Username already exists')); } $user->username = $username; } if ($nickname) { $exists = \app\common\model\User::where('nickname', $nickname)->where('id', '<>', $this->auth->id)->find(); if ($exists) { $this->error(__('Nickname already exists')); } $user->nickname = $nickname; } $user->bio = $bio; $user->avatar = $avatar; $user->save(); $this->success(); } /** * 修改邮箱 * * @ApiMethod (POST) * @param string $email 邮箱 * @param string $captcha 验证码 */ public function changeemail() { $user = $this->auth->getUser(); $email = $this->request->post('email'); $captcha = $this->request->post('captcha'); if (!$email || !$captcha) { $this->error(__('Invalid parameters')); } if (!Validate::is($email, "email")) { $this->error(__('Email is incorrect')); } if (\app\common\model\User::where('email', $email)->where('id', '<>', $user->id)->find()) { $this->error(__('Email already exists')); } $result = Ems::check($email, $captcha, 'changeemail'); if (!$result) { $this->error(__('Captcha is incorrect')); } $verification = $user->verification; $verification->email = 1; $user->verification = $verification; $user->email = $email; $user->save(); Ems::flush($email, 'changeemail'); $this->success(); } /** * 修改手机号 * * @ApiMethod (POST) * @param string $mobile 手机号 * @param string $captcha 验证码 */ public function changemobile() { $user = $this->auth->getUser(); $dialCode = $this->request->post("dialCode"); $mobile = $this->request->post('mobile'); $captcha = $this->request->post('captcha'); if (!$mobile || !$captcha) { $this->error(__('Invalid parameters')); } $check_mobile = $mobile; $event = 'changemobile'; if($dialCode == "+86"){ if (!Validate::regex($mobile, "^1\d{10}$")) { $this->error(__('Mobile is incorrect')); } }elseif(!empty($dialCode) && $dialCode != "+86"){ $check_mobile = $dialCode.$mobile; $event = 'inter_'.$event; } if (\app\common\model\User::where('mobile', $mobile)->where('id', '<>', $user->id)->find()) { $this->error(__('Mobile already exists')); } $result = Sms::check($check_mobile, $captcha, $event); if (!$result) { $this->error(__('Captcha is incorrect')); } $verification = $user->verification; $verification->mobile = 1; $user->verification = $verification; $user->mobile = $mobile; $user->save(); Sms::flush($check_mobile, $event); $this->success('修改成功/change success'); } public function tiktokchangemobile() { $mobile = $this->request->post('mobile'); $captcha = $this->request->post('captcha'); $token = $this->request->param("token"); $token_info = \app\common\library\Token::get($token); $user = \app\common\model\User::get($token_info['user_id']); $user = new \app\admin\model\User(); $res = $user->where('mobile',$mobile)->find(); if(!empty($res))$this->error(__('手机号已存在')); if (!$mobile || !$captcha) { $this->error(__('Invalid parameters')); } if (!Validate::regex($mobile, "^1\d{10}$")) { $this->error(__('Mobile is incorrect')); } if (\app\common\model\User::where('mobile', $mobile)->where('id', '<>', $user->id)->find()) { $this->error(__('Mobile already exists')); } $result = Sms::check($mobile, $captcha, 'changemobile'); if (!$result) { $this->error(__('Captcha is incorrect')); } $verification = $user->verification; $verification->mobile = 1; $user->verification = $verification; $user->mobile = $mobile; $user->save(); Sms::flush($mobile, 'changemobile'); $this->success(); } /** * 第三方登录 * * @ApiMethod (POST) * @param string $platform 平台名称 * @param string $code Code码 */ public function third() { $url = url('user/index'); $platform = $this->request->post("platform"); $code = $this->request->post("code"); $config = get_addon_config('third'); if (!$config || !isset($config[$platform])) { $this->error(__('Invalid parameters')); } $app = new \addons\third\library\Application($config); //通过code换access_token和绑定会员 $result = $app->{$platform}->getUserInfo(['code' => $code]); if ($result) { $loginret = \addons\third\library\Service::connect($platform, $result); if ($loginret) { $data = [ 'userinfo' => $this->auth->getUserinfo(), 'thirdinfo' => $result ]; $this->success(__('Logged in successful'), $data); } } $this->error(__('Operation failed'), $url); } /** * 重置密码 * * @ApiMethod (POST) * @param string $mobile 手机号 * @param string $newpassword 新密码 * @param string $captcha 验证码 */ public function resetpwd() { $type = $this->request->post("type"); $mobile = $this->request->post("mobile"); $email = $this->request->post("email"); $newpassword = $this->request->post("newpassword"); $captcha = $this->request->post("captcha"); $dialCode = $this->request->post("dialCode"); if (!$newpassword || !$captcha) { $this->error(__('Invalid parameters')); } //验证Token if (!Validate::make()->check(['newpassword' => $newpassword], ['newpassword' => 'require|regex:\S{6,30}'])) { $this->error(__('Password must be 6 to 30 characters')); } if ($type == 'mobile') { $event = 'resetpwd'; $check_mobile = $mobile; if($dialCode == "+86"){ if (!Validate::regex($mobile, "^1\d{10}$")) { $this->error(__('Mobile is incorrect')); } }elseif(!empty($dialCode) && $dialCode != "+86"){ $check_mobile = $dialCode.$mobile; $event = 'inter_'.$event; } $user = \app\common\model\User::getByMobile($mobile); if (!$user) { $this->error(__('User not found')); } $ret = Sms::check($check_mobile, $captcha, $event); if (!$ret) { $this->error(__('Captcha is incorrect')); } Sms::flush($check_mobile, 'resetpwd'); } else { if (!Validate::is($email, "email")) { $this->error(__('Email is incorrect')); } $user = \app\common\model\User::getByEmail($email); if (!$user) { $this->error(__('User not found')); } $ret = Ems::check($email, $captcha, 'resetpwd'); if (!$ret) { $this->error(__('Captcha is incorrect')); } Ems::flush($email, 'resetpwd'); } //模拟一次登录 $this->auth->direct($user->id); $ret = $this->auth->changepwd($newpassword, '', true); if ($ret) { $this->success(__('Reset password successful')); } else { $this->error($this->auth->getError()); } } public function resetpwdTiktoks() { $token = $this->request->param("token"); $newpassword = $this->request->post("newpassword"); $renewpassword = $this->request->post("renewpassword"); $token_info = \app\common\library\Token::get($token); $user = \app\common\model\User::get($token_info['user_id']); if (!$newpassword || !$renewpassword) { $this->error(__('Invalid parameters')); } if($newpassword != $renewpassword){ $this->error(__('两次密码不一致')); } //验证Token if (!Validate::make()->check(['newpassword' => $newpassword], ['newpassword' => 'require|regex:\S{6,30}'])) { $this->error(__('Password must be 6 to 30 characters')); } //模拟一次登录 $this->auth->direct($user->id); $ret = $this->auth->changepwd($newpassword, '', true); if ($ret) { $this->success(__('Reset password successful')); } else { $this->error($this->auth->getError()); } } /** * 重置密码 * * @ApiMethod (POST) * @param string $mobile 手机号 * @param string $newpassword 新密码 * @param string $captcha 验证码 */ public function resetpwdTiktok() { $type = $this->request->post("type", "mobile"); $mobile = $this->request->post("mobile"); $newpassword = $this->request->post("newpassword"); $captcha = $this->request->post("captcha"); if (!$newpassword || !$captcha) { $this->error(__('Invalid parameters')); } //验证Token if (!Validate::make()->check(['newpassword' => $newpassword], ['newpassword' => 'require|regex:\S{6,30}'])) { $this->error(__('Password must be 6 to 30 characters')); } if ($type == 'mobile') { if (!Validate::regex($mobile, "^1\d{10}$")) { $this->error(__('Mobile is incorrect')); } $user = \app\common\model\User::getByMobile($mobile); if (!$user) { $this->error(__('User not found')); } $ret = Sms::check($mobile, $captcha, 'resetpwd'); if (!$ret) { $this->error(__('Captcha is incorrect')); } Sms::flush($mobile, 'resetpwd'); } //模拟一次登录 $this->auth->direct($user->id); $ret = $this->auth->changepwd($newpassword, '', true); if ($ret) { $this->success(__('Reset password successful')); } else { $this->error($this->auth->getError()); } } public function getuser() { $token = $this->request->param("token"); $token_info = \app\common\library\Token::get($token); $expiretime = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $token_info['expiretime']); $user = \app\common\model\User::get($token_info['user_id']); if (empty($user)) { $this->error("用户数据为空"); } $result['data']['player_number'] = $user->member_number; $result['data']['avatar'] = $user->avatar; $result['data']['mobile'] = $user->mobile; $result['data']['nickname'] = $user->nickname; $result['data']['wechat'] = $user->wechat; $result['data']['qq'] = $user->qq; $result['code'] = 200; $result['message'] = "获取成功"; return json($result); } public function getusertest() { $token = $this->request->param("token"); $var = \app\common\library\Token::get($token); print_r($var);exit; $token1 = new Token(); $user_id = $this->request->post("user_id"); $user = \app\common\model\User::get($user_id); if (empty($user)) { $this->error("用户数据为空"); } $result['data']['player_number'] = $user->member_number; $result['data']['avatar'] = $user->avatar; $result['data']['mobile'] = $user->mobile; $result['data']['nickname'] = $user->nickname; $result['data']['wechat'] = $user->wechat; $result['data']['qq'] = $user->qq; $result['code'] = 200; $result['message'] = "获取成功"; return json($result); } }